2024-2025 Edgewood Elementary PTO
PTO Board of Directors
President: Laura Feld (ptoedgewood@gmail.com)
President-elect: Caroline Dunavant
Treasurer: Sara Willette (eesptotreasurer@gmail.com)
Treasurer-elect: Alicia King
Recording Secretary: Jessica Sciacca
Fundraising Chair: Meredith Husnik (ptoedgewoodfundraising@gmail.com)
Communications Director: April McKinney
Parliamentarian: Catie Seale
Principal: Dr. Laura Tate
Assistant Principals: Ashley McCullars & Erin Klotz
Committee Chairs
Room Parent Coordinator: Courtney Davenport
Hospitality Co-Chairs: Jessie Barry and Elizabeth Adams
Spring Festival: Emily McNearney and Rebekah Hewett (edgewoodptospringfestival@gmail.com)
Newsletter: Sarah Sexton
Kindergarten Welcome: Katherine Cubelic
Meet the Teacher: Kacy Reid
Yearbook: Stefani Hudson, Ryanne Player, Amy Duncan (ewdyearbook@gmail.com)
5th Grade Committee: Jennifer Creel, Anna Boney, Karen Williamson
Edgewood Gear: Katie Beth Owens, Amy Montiel, Blake Cobia
MyPals Day: Cristin Dedmon & Kristie Conner
Talent Show: Carrie Coleman, Sarah Harrington, & Hanna DeGroat (ewdtalentshow@gmail.com)
Turkey Trot: Justin Henley and Brad Lee
Media & Art Center: Jill Jones
School Grounds: Lori Patton
School Supplies Coordinator: Alana Frederick
Papapalooza Chair: Krista Lutz
Safe and Healthy Homewood Collaborative Liaison: Jacqueline DeMarco
100 Year Celebration Team Coordinator: Catie Seale